Recruitment Methodology

1st we have to receive the following information from employer concerning their requirement of worker :

  • Job Description
  • Registration Certificate
  • Company Brochure
  • Working place picture/video
  • Required No of candidates and Salary
  • Other benefits from employer
  • Other Terms and conditions if any

If we can supply the workers as per employer details then we will take this job order if not then we will inform them immediately with reasons why we are unable to take this order with alternative suggestion. Once we confirm, the job order then Employer should send following documents:

2-Guarantee Letter

Pre-approval from the Gouvernment
Once we received above documents, we will submit the application attaching the original documents for pre-approval to Department of Foreign Employment.
They will verify the documents and will give us permission to advertise for this requirement, arrange the interview and collect the passport of applicant. It will take 3-4 working days to get this prea-approvable.

We will publish the wanted notice to nation wide newspaper and regional FM Radio Station, on the same notice we will inform when and where will be pre-selection interview for this job. After publishing the advertisement our agent office and sub agent will be actively involved for sourcing the applicant. Most of the interview will be arranged a tour branch office.

Selection Interview
We / you will do the interview at the given place & time which mentioned on advertisement. Our managerial level person will do the pre-interview. On the interview we will inform to the applicant each and every details which is mentioned on sample of employment contract.

Visa Process
We will forward the documents to the employer for visa processing and Air tickets booking.

After visa ans air tickets received from emplyer.
Informing to worker :
Once we get the visa from employer and air tickets we will inform to the applicant. We will ask them to prepare to fly. Once we get the flight details we will inform to the applicant. Generally, we need 10-15 days'time to deploy the workers once we get the visa from employer.

After we get the visa we will arrange for them orientation, where they will know about the working country's labor law, environment, culture and etc.

Final agreement between Employer and Employee
One day before the departure of worker we will ask employee to sign Sample of Employment contract.

Final briefing and departure
We will again brief the workers about work and working country. We will inform what to do in case in emergency. We will drop them to at airport.

Pick up from the airport
Employer should pickup the worker from the destination airport and took them to accommodation place.

Briefing at working place
Emplyer should brief the worker about working place & working country.

We will be in contact with employer and if there will be any problem between employer and employee we are always there to solve it.